Compression repair sleeves

Type Conductor diameter [mm] Identity number a [mm] D [mm] Weight [kg]
163407.1 15.6 - 17.0 36 AlFe 192 36 0.36
163409.1 18.7 - 20.4 36 AlFe 192 36 0.31
163401 20.5 - 21.8 36 AlFe 192 36 0.30
163403.2 24.0 - 25.4 45 AlFe 236 45 0.60
163403 25.4 - 27.2 45 AlFe 236 45 0.60
163403.4 27.21 - 28.19 45 AlFe 236 45 0.57
163404.1 27.3 - 28.1 52 AlFe 219 52 0.78
163404 28.2 - 29.3 52 AlFe 219 52 0.78
163405 29.6 - 30.8 56 AlFe 219 56 0.95
163406 35.5 - 36.7 60 AlFe 244 60 1.08
163436 Gannet 25.76 45 AlFe 236 45 0.60
163403.1 28.1 45 AlFe 236 45 0.57
163440 Pastel 412 26.4 52 AAAC 340 52 1.26
163750 AlFe 400/52 27.6 52 AlFe 190 52 0.68
163417 Drake 28.11 52 AlFe 190 52 0.68


Surface protection
Chemically burnt
Repairing of ACSR and Al conductors if number of damaged wires does not exceed 1/3 of the outer layer and damage is to be found in the lenght of triple diameter of conductor in maximum. It keeps 85% of nominal Breaking load of the conductor at the place of repair



Type Identity number Počet zlisov Typ čeľustí
163407.1 36 AlFe 4 291410
163409.1 36 AlFe 4 291410
163401 36 AlFe 4 291410
163403.2 45 AlFe 5 291411
163403 45 AlFe 5 291411
163403.4 45 AlFe 5 291411
163404.1 52 AlFe 7 291413
163404 52 AlFe 7 291413
163405 56 AlFe 7 291414
163406 60 AlFe 6 291415
163436 45 AlFe 5 291411
163403.1 45 AlFe 5 291411
163440 52 AAAC 18 291455
163750 52 AlFe 6 291413
163417 52 AlFe 6 291413


Povrchová ochrana
Chemicky opálené
Na opravu AlFe a Al vodičov, ak počet poškodených drôtov nie je väčší ako 1/3 drôtov vonkajšej vrstvy a poškodenie je rozložené v dĺžke maximálne trojnásobku priemeru vodiča. V opravovanom mieste svorka zachováva 85% matematickej pevnosti vodiča